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Finding God's Goodness in Life's Disappointments

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What if You Believed the Truth?

What If You Believed the Truth?
Kathleen Maxwell-Rambie
June 2015

What if we really believed all that God said about us? What if we traded all the negative things people say or the lies we believe about ourselves and traded then for the truth? What if we really believed God was our father? What things would we attempt if we really believed God was with us all the time?

These are questions I pondered but I am not the only one that has thought about them. Years ago, Psalms recorded David’s thoughts about what God said about him. Psalms 139:13 -14 states, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know them full well.” (NIV) Do you believe those words about you? They are truth, but I have to admit, I have not always believed them. I had to exchange the lies I believed about myself for what God’s word said about me. I did not see myself as someone carefully made for special purposes and I sure did not feel wonderful. I have ministered to many people share with me that they felt the same way about themselves. 

Deuteronomy 14:2 says, “ for you are a people holy to the Lord your God. Out of all the peoples of the earth, the Lord has chosen you to be his treasured possession.” (NIV) Often times
 life experiences lead us to believe that we are not special, no one treasures us or that the God that created us has chosen us. I remember being the last one chosen on the school kickball team in 4th grade. That event of getting picked  last, impacted a little girl 45 years ago. It took me over 20 years to see myself as special and chosen by God, as well as others.

Romans 9:20 states things plainly. It says, “But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, “why  did you make me like this? Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?” (NIV) These are strong statements about us not questioning God in how he made us and the purpose we are called to. Each of us has a very unique purpose here on earth. I will never be president of our country but that does not mean I am not important or special or that the purposes I was created for are not valuable. 
Fun with Collins and Austin
For years, I knew about God, went to church, studied the Bible, but I did not see God as my father. A series of challenging events occurred and I was in a place of only having God to really depend on to press on. It was in that dark time, I began to see God’s kindness, faithfulness, love and that I was really his daughter, made in his image. Deuteronomy 32:6 asks the question and declares who God is, “…Is he not your Father, your Creator, who made you and formed you?” (NIV) In the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6, Jesus included you and me when he said, “Our Father, in heaven, hallowed be your name…”(NIV) God is our daddy and we are his kids.

Collins and Pops
Perhaps your earthly father is not here for Father’s Day or you do not have a good relationship with your dad. I challenge you to rest in the truth that you have the best and most loving father in God. Get your identity in Him, believe the truth that you are special, loved, treasured, made in His image for unique purposes and ask Him to open your heart to believe all he says about you. Trade any lies you have believed about yourself for his truth and step into the wonderful things He has ordained for your life. I ask God to bless you abundantly as you step into the incredible life your father has for you.


Kathleen is a native of the Hill Country and is a writer and speaker. She is passionate about helping people discover their value and worth. Contact her at or visit her blog on

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Exchanging the Broken Pieces of Our Lives

Exchanging the Broken Pieces of Life -Redemption 
Kathleen Maxwell-Rambie
June 2015

Bridge between broken pieces of our lives and redemption
     One of the things I have discovered that God loves to do is redeem things in our lives. No matter what mess you have made, how bad things look, or how much you have lost, God is standing right beside you orchestrating redemption just for you.
     What is redemption or what does it mean to redeem something? The dictionary definition states, “to compensate for the faults or bad aspects of something, to save from evil or error, to gain or regain possession of something, to exchange something.” Our society does not use the word redeem much unless we are talking about coupons, but uses “exchange” instead. 
     What is it that you need for God to exchange for you? Think about it for a moment. What matters to you, matters to God. We live in a fallen world where life interrupts; sometimes suddenly, occasionally tragically, often times unexpectedly. I think that is why God is in the business of redeeming things, just for us. Redemption is what he specializes in.
      What do we do when our plans and dreams are interrupted? I have found by experience that we simply hang on to God to take the next step. We wait for Him to work in our lives to redeem the situation. This often times rubs the impatient the wrong way. As Americans, we are not good at waiting in the line at the grocery store. But in those times of waiting, we get to experience the joy of holding His hand. Isaiah 41:13 states, “For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear, I will help you.” (NIV)
     One of my personal stories of redemption began five years ago, I sat on our beautiful  deck with my late husband, The conversation began with, “Kathleen, sit down, we need to talk.” I knew we needed to discuss some things neither one of us wanted to talk about but we had to. I sat at the end of the table, where he usually sat and took a deep breath.  Even in his physical weakness, due to a rare cancer, Joe was leading his family. “Things are not going the way we want them to. My life insurance policy is in the front desk in the file. When I am gone, call USAA and they will walk you thru the whole process,” he said. “They will help you,” he continued. My mind and body exhausted from caregiving and fighting for his life, was swimming with questions. I suddenly felt like I was in very deep water and the waves were way over my head. I found it hard to even breathe as my eyes filled with tears.
  Then he continued, “You are not made to live alone.” His eyes filled with tears and his voice began to crack. “I love you but want you to know, you have my permission to go on with your life and find someone else,” he struggled to say. I had to turn my face away. I did not want to hear those words anymore than he wanted to say them. We had  been friends, lovers, parents, and partners for 30 years. I could not imagine life with out him. I knew out of his great love for me, he was saying the words he never thought he would have to say but he wanted what was best for me. Joe took his last breath a few days later.
New life on the deck
     Three very long and lonely years rolled by as I struggled to discover life without him. “How do you live when half of you is gone and your heart is broken,” I often thought. I have discovered, you live one day at a time holding God’s hand in the journey. Sometimes holding his hand for comfort, other times when fear knocks on the door and many times holding tight trying to find the joy in living again.
     So what does this have to do with redemption? Several years later, I sat on the very same deck again, except with another man. We were laughing and enjoying the beautiful weather and both working on our wedding vows. As we finished writing we shared with each other the promises we were going to make to each other. All of a sudden, I remembered the day years ago I sat in the very same spot in tears feeling like my life was over. The very place that had been so painful, was now a place of redemption. I thought how kind God was to redeem the place that had been so painful was now my place of new beginnings. 
     The journey has been a long and difficult one but my heart has expanded, gotten stronger and actually thrived holding His hand. God gave me a chance to experience His redemption. He has exchanged the thing I feared most as I have let go of my past life, for something new, good and full of fun and adventure.

A picture of redemption
      Psalms 107:1 states, “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.” Psalms 107:6-8 says, “Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble and he delivered them from their distress. He led them by a straight way to a city where they could settle.” I am not quoting this scripture. I have lived and experienced it and the experience has made me rich.

     Where are you right now in your life? Are you hanging on by a thread? Are you mad at God because of where this world has tossed you and you are blaming Him? Perhaps you just need your knees strengthened to stand and wait for Him to redeem. He will. He is faithful and good. Psalms 130 tells us to wait for him to exchange things for us and verse 7 states, “hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is FULL redemption.” (NIV)
      What do you need to ask God to redeem in your life? Ask Him now. Who do you need to encourage that God will redeem their tragedy? As Jesus said in Luke 21:28, “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (NIV)

Kathleen is a native of the Hill Country and is a writer and speaker. She is passionate about helping people discover their value and worth. Contact her at or visit her blog on