What do we do when those around us are agitated, aggressive, argumentative or angry? Our response and words are critical in times like these, and the Bible tells us there is great power in our words.
Proverbs 18:21 (TPT) states, “Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life, and the talkative person will reap the consequences.”
This scripture tells us that our words can either add fuel to the fire or put the blaze out. Our words can bring life, hope and peace, or they can bring death, destruction and tension.
I was recently out of town and with a woman I did not know very well. She started venting about how upset she was about wearing a mask, the political situation, media and other things she was not happy about. Everyone needs someone they can vent to, and I am happy to be that for people.
I listened for a while and began to think of ways I could flip this negative situation, so I looked for things I could say to make her laugh and lighten the conversation.