Kerrville Daily Times and Community Journal
Our encouragement can impact many |
There seems to be a shortage of encouraging words in our society. Everyone needs encouragement to thrive. Some pretend they don’t need it, but all of us need cheerleaders in our lives. Encouraging words keep us going in the right direction, help us persevere through tough times, and motivate us to go beyond what we think we can accomplish. I know this is true from personal experience.
2 Corinthians 13:11 says,“Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.”(NIV) Think for a minute about those in your life you like to be around the most. Why do you like being around them? Could it be that they encourage you and you feel energized and strengthened by being around them? I love being around those that bless me with their words of encouragement. I never would have considered writing if I had not had numerous people encourage me. This scripture also says that we receive a blessing when we encourage others. God loves unity and when His kids build one another up, instead of tear one another down.
Encouraging family |
1 Thessalonians 5:11 instructs us by saying, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”(NIV) God’s heart is for us to be one another’s cheerleaders. Encouragement breeds courage. Often times, others see our potential before we do. Let encouraging words constantly flow from your mouth to build others up. We all encounter difficulties and discouraging circumstances and I know personally, encouraging words keep me going when times are tough. Our words can either build or tear down. It is just that simple.
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Grateful for my friends that encourage me |
Hebrews 3:13 shows us how often we should encourage those in our lives. “But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” (NIV) I had someone this week contact me and seek advise about something. I believe this person knew what to do in the situation, they just needed some encouragement to keep on the right path. As I sat at my desk and listened to them and God, I realized they just needed someone to lean over the balcony of their life and cheer them on because life was tough.
Years ago, I was in a difficult season of my life. I went out for a jog and began to pray as I slowly moved my body down the street. Tears began to stream down my face and I felt like I could not go another step. I suddenly had this picture of me falling down in the dirt face down and laying there. Then all of a sudden, I saw my grandparents, who were very important in my life and deceased. They were leaning over the balcony of heaven, yelling at me, “Get up, come on, you can do it.” I knew God was encouraging me to not quit.
I want to challenge you today to put a deposit into someones emotional bank account and encourage them. Let’s do it in our families, work place, church, and community. Be a blessing to those around you with your attitude and words. Be someones cheerleader today. Ask God to open your eyes to those around you, even those you don’t know that need you to inspire them. Will you join me in encouraging one another?
Kathleen is a native of the Hill Country and is a writer and speaker. She is passionate about helping people discover their value and worth. She can be heard on Sunday mornings from 8:00 am to 9:00 am on The REV FM, 94.3. Contact her at or visit her blog on