Where are you right now? 
• Difficult situation with the economy and finances
• Just trying to keep your head above the water of the raging COVID-19 storm
• Feel alone and caught in the waves
• Struggling with kids or uncertainty with pandemic
• Struggling with fear
I think all of us are in a waiting pattern right now with the pandemic.
• Waiting to go back to work
• Waiting for the government to release the next plan for opening
• Waiting for our new normal
What do we do in the waiting period?
1. Pour out our heart to God
Psalms 130 (NIV) states, “Out of the depths I cry to you Lord; O Lord, hear my voice. Let your ear be attentive to my cry for mercy.”
The psalmist was in a dark place and verbally processing where he was. God loves it when we pour out our heart and are gut level honest with Him.
I’ve had some of those conversations in my adversity, but my version went something like, “Seriously, God. I don’t think I can make it much longer. I’m tired.”
Oftentimes in adversity, people blame God or feel like He is punishing them. He is not. There is going to be adversity until we get to heaven. The Bible does not promise we will not have struggles on earth. We just have a better way of going through difficulty when we walk with Him.
John 16:33 (NIV) says, “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
2. Keep your heart right — forgive
Psalms 130:3-4 (Message) “If God kept a record of wrongdoings, who would stand a chance? As it turns out, forgiveness is your habit, and that’s why you’re worshipped.”
God forgives us and doesn’t hold the past against us. We need to do the same with others. Forgiveness keeps your heart soft. Do you have a good habit of forgiveness? Unforgiveness leads to bitterness. Keep short accounts with your kids, spouse and friends.
3. Wait on God and put your hope in Him
Psalms 130:6 (NIV) “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word, I put my hope.”
Wait in this passage means “to bind, to twist, to expect and collect.” In times like these, we can bind ourselves to the Lord and our mind, will and emotions can be made stronger. Keep your heart expectant and collect things we will need for the days ahead. Right now, He is the only one we can depend on because things change every day!
So why should we put our hope in God?
Psalms 130:7 (NIV) says, “Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.”
We can always count on God’s unconditional love for us. Redemption means: recovery, saving or honoring.
I’m sharing things I’ve lived, as He guided me through, heartache, betrayal and disappointments in my life. I learned to put my hope in Him as he guided me through life- threatening illnesses with loved ones.
An awareness of His love came as I poured out my heart in anguish in the depths of despair and wondered how I would survive.
The clouds in my life did break, and the sun did shine again. In this pandemic, hang in there! Our break is coming and God is faithful!
Kathleen is a Hill Country native, writer, speaker and podcaster. She is passionate about helping people bring God into their everyday life. You can contact her at kathleenmaxwell1@gmail.com  and listen to her podcast at kathleenmaxwellrambie.podbean.com.