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An Honest Account of Love, Grief and Walking With God
Finding God's Goodness in Life's Disappointments

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Always remember you are chosen and loved

Always remember you are chosen and loved by Kathleen Maxwell-Rambie copyright February 2025 It was recess time, and I could hardly wait to go outside and play. I was a new fifth grader at Starkey Elementary School in Kerrville and was anxious to make some new friends. Someone quickly organized a kickball game, and I loved to play kickball. Two people were designated as captains of the teams and began choosing who they wanted on their team. I had to wear brown corrective shoes instead of cute tennis shoes like the rest of the girls, so I did not look very athletic. I really could kick the ball a long way; however, no one knew that. Perhaps someone would just take a chance and pick me, I thought. Then my worst fear happened: I was the last one chosen for my team. I felt like a loser. Perhaps you were not chosen for something or have been in a similar situation in your life and did not feel valuable. God’s word tells us something different. Isaiah 42:1 (NIV) states, “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight.” This scripture teaches us that we are chosen and hand-picked by God, and he actually takes delight in us. To think that the creator of the universe has chosen you and me and is delighted to be with us in everyday life is incredible. I also love the part of the verse that says he upholds us. There are lots of days when I need someone upholding and cheering me on, and you and I have been chosen for this time in history. Matthew 12:18 (NIV) also tells us we are chosen by God. It states, “Here is my servant, whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight.” Life circumstances can often leave us feeling less than, unloved and not very special; however, those are the days when we have to remember what God says about us instead of our circumstances. We have a choice to believe our circumstances or what God says. I was visiting with a widow recently, and she shared her struggle with loneliness after losing her husband of 55 years and how she did not feel loved anymore. The one who had loved her dearly for so many years was gone. I remember struggling with those feelings, too, after losing my husband. I shared this scripture with her, and she later commented that it was exactly what she needed and that it was healing to her heart. She shared how, on the nights she felt lonely, she would read the scripture over and over, and it settled her heart, reminding her she was loved and not alone. Zephaniah 3:17 reads, “The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” The word “delight” means to please someone greatly or to take pleasure in. Have you ever thought about God taking pleasure in you? You make him smile. God not only knows you personally, he actually takes great joy in you and your life. You are fully known by a mighty God and fully loved by him. He gave you and me special gifts and talents, sees our potential and our flaws, and yet, he still loves us. I was not the top draft choice in the kickball game that day in fifth grade; however, when my turn came to kick, the ball sailed through the air, and I kicked a home run. I had talents that people could not see at first glance. I began to make friends, and I am still close with some of my classmates from fifth grade. As you walk through this week, I challenge you to write one of the above scriptures on a sticky note or index card, and put it in place where you will see it often. I pray that you will constantly be reminded that you, too, are chosen and loved, and that God takes great pleasure in you. Kathleen Maxwell is a native of the Hill Country, a writer and speaker. She is passionate about helping others discover the joy of walking with God. You can contact her at For more information, articles, her podcast or to purchase her book, “Thriving Through Seasons of Grief,” visit

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